How can international development become disability-inclusive? CBM launches new guide

“CBM is launching a new guide that sets out how people with disabilities can be included in, and benefit from international development activity.

People living with disabilities in low-income countries are the world’s poorest people. Of the billion people with disabilities worldwide, 80% are in developing countries and within those countries, they are generally among the poorest and most excluded. But until recently, women, men, girls and boys with disabilities have remained largely on the margins of global development actions.

In ‘The Future is Inclusive: How to make International Development Disability-Inclusive’, CBM shares its experiences of implementing disabillity-inclusive development and what has been learned from them. The publication is the first of a series on disability-inclusive development, aimed at people working in the development and disability sector, professionals, partners and policy-makers, as well as anyone interested in the work of CBM and disability-inclusive development.

‘The Future is Inclusive’ – read full report here (open link in new tab)

Read more about Disability-Inclusive Development (open link in new tab)


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