If you would like to give as part of your personal philanthropy, or represent a trust, institution or business, we would love to help you find a project that meets your charitable aims.
If you are interested in making a grant to CBM UK and want to find out about current funding opportunities, please contact Kat Collis, Head of Philanthropy, via partnerships@cbmuk.org.uk or call 01223 484700.
- CBM UK is registered with the Charity Commission of England and Wales as charity number 1058162 and with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator as charity number SC041101.
- CBM UK is a company limited by guarantee in England as number 03148424
View our latest annual accounts for information about our finances and how your money has helped transform lives.
Discover why localisation and authentic partnership with Organisation of People with Disabilities are foundational to CBM.
CBM UK works with many major UK and international partners to challenge injustice and transform the lives of people with disabilities around the world.

Hi, I’m Kat, Head of Philanthropy here at CBM UK. We would love to hear from you if you would like to partner with CBM – we can help you find a project or area of work that best meets your interests.