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Chandrakala, 32, had always wanted to be a beautician, but because of her disability she couldn’t get the training she needed. Through our Futuremakers project, we supported Chandrakala in achieving her dream.

Economic Empowerment

In the world’s poorest communities, people with disabilities face huge barriers to earning a living. Often excluded from school, a lack of education and limited resources affect every step. We believe that every person deserves the chance to work, support their family and have a brighter future.

Disability and unemployment

In every country around the world, people with disabilities – especially those living in the world’s poorest communities – have higher rates of unemployment than anyone else. In some countries, this is as high as 80%, putting them among the poorest of the world’s population.

Why are people with disabilities being excluded from earning a living?

  • Many people with disabilities living in the world’s poorest communities lack access to quality education which means they don’t gain the skills they need to earn a living.
  • Stigma against people with disabilities means they are excluded from employment opportunities. It’s a vicious cycle that needs to end.
  • People with disabilities who live in poverty have limited access to resources, support or finances to help them start businesses or generate any income.
Lalita has a disability. She was provided a sewing machine by CBM-partner.

“I was supported with advanced training in tailoring, and then got this sewing machine and the other equipment, and then established this shop. Now I’m very happy. Before the support I only used to do simple types of work. In the future I’m planning to expand this business. I am planning to be a trainer for people with disabilities like me.”

Lalita, who received help from a CBM-supported young entrepreneurs project in Nepal.

Our Work

We work alongside people with disabilities in some of the world’s poorest countries to build and sustain livelihoods. Alongside our local partners, we support people with disabilities in getting a job or starting their own business.

  • We offer vocational and practical training so that people with disabilities can learn life skills, build confidence and access employment.
  • We empower people with disabilities, often through one-on-one support, embrace their abilities and their role within communities.
  • We provide essential start-up resources to help people with disabilities set up or expand businesses. Small loans or equipment like sewing machines or computers can mean people can fulfil their full potential and set themselves and their families up for a better future.
  • We support accessibility in the workplace – whether national employers or small-scale enterprises – ensuring that people with disabilities can thrive within them.

Our impact

Together, we are supporting thousands of people with disabilities and their families with the skills and equipment they need to secure a brighter future.



Ruth, with a tape measure draped over her shoulders, uses a sewing machine.
people with disabilities supported to earn a living.
Chandrakala in her beauty parlour. She has some banknotes in her hands.

Donate now

Together, we can help people with disabilities earn a living and support their family for the future.