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CBM Launches Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction e-Learning Course

Posted on: Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025
Two hands typing on a laptop keyboard.

CBM UK is delighted to have supported the development of a transformative e-learning course which promotes the use of inclusive disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategies.

During a crisis, people with disabilities often miss out on warnings, cannot escape quickly from danger and lack access to emergency aid. Statistically, people with disabilities are up to four times more likely to lose their lives as a result of a disaster. 

This pioneering new e-Learning course aims to address this gap in global disaster risk reduction practices. Focusing on the inclusion of people with disabilities, the course seeks to empower people to: 

  • Understand the challenges faced by people with disabilities during disasters 
  • Develop and implement inclusive DRR strategies that address these challenges 
  • Advocate for policies and practices that prioritise equity and resilience 

Aimed at anyone working on community-based DRR programmes, the course was developed by CBM Global in collaboration with the African Disability Forum and the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction and supported by the Global Greengrants Fund

Participants can learn at their own pace, with accessibility at the heart of the course’s design. Upon completion, learners receive a certificate which acknowledges their commitment to fostering disability inclusion in DRR practices. 

The course was launched at an online event in December and is now available free of charge on Kaya Connect.

Read more about our work during emergencies and disasters.