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Diane Louise Jordan supports Christmas Miracles campaign

Broadcaster Diane Louise Jordan, well-known for presenting iconic TV shows Songs of Praise and Blue Peter, has voiced her support for CBM’s Christmas Miracles campaign, which aims to give the Miracle gift of sight to people living in the world’s poorest places.
Diane is passionate about preventing avoidable blindness, having experienced the impact of vision problems on her own family, and after her life-changing journey to see CBM’s sight-saving work in Rwanda.
“It really is a scandal, utterly wrong, that people are living needlessly blind simply because they can’t afford eye treatment like cataract surgery. Last year, I had the huge privilege of visiting Rwanda in East Africa to see CBM’s work first-hand – and I witnessed the miraculous impact of sight-saving treatment.
I met the wonderful 10 year old Etienne and spent time with him and his family as he had cataract surgery. I will never forget the moment that, after his operation, he was able to see clearly for the first time in his life. I saw the joy on his face, and the relief in his parents’ eyes. It really hit home how precious our sight is – and how especially life-changing sight is for people who live in poverty.
That’s why I’m so passionate about supporting CBM and their Christmas Miracles appeal- amidst the global pandemic, your support is more important than ever before. As you prepare to celebrate Christmas and choose gifts for your loved ones, I hope you’ll consider making a donation to give the Miracle gift of sight. Sight-restoring cataract surgery can cost as little as £24, but transform a life forever, giving someone with little hope the chance to read and write, get around safely and support their family. I can’t think of a more meaningful gift. I hope you join me in giving what you can. Your generosity is more appreciated than you can imagine.” – Diane Louise Jordan
This Christmas you can give the Miracle gift of sight to people living in the world’s poorest places. Click here to donate (open link in new tab).
Christmas Miracles transcript (open link in new tab)
Adip has bi-lateral cataracts – both of his eyes are covered with a milky film, meaning that Adip’s world is one of shadows and darkness. For many parents, there are no options available; they can only watch on, as their children lose sight.
Children living with sight loss and disabilities are more likely to miss out on education than any other group, making up a third of all children who are not in school. But education is one of the main ways we can stop cycles of poverty, because receiving an education means that there is a chance of better employment in the future.
The sooner we can reach children like Adip, the better. Getting children back into school is important, and it’s crucial that we take action as soon as possible, not just so children have a better future, but so that their bodies can develop and heal properly after surgery.
Every £24 you send today will help provide a 15-minute sight-saving surgery that gives someone back their sight. That’s what Miracles are made of.
Go to donation page www.cbmuk.org.uk/miracles (open link in new tab) or call our friendly phone team on 0800 567 7000 to make Miracles happen!
Every Miracle from you helps restore sight for one more person, giving them a brighter life that’s full of possibilities. What a wonderful thing to be able to do.
That’s what Miracles are made of: £24, 15 minutes and YOU!
Images: Top – Diane Louise Jordan smiling and holding Etienne up in the air ©CBM/Tugwell. Bottom – 6-year-old Adip from Nepal has cataracts in both eyes ©CBM.