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Kirsty Smith wins Bishop of Ely’s Etheldreda Medal for outstanding and generous service

We are delighted to announce that CBM UK Chief Executive Kirsty Smith has been awarded the prestigious Etheldreda Medal by the Bishop of Ely.
The Etheldreda Medal is awarded every two years by the Bishop of Ely to individuals who have served their community in generous and outstanding ways. Kirsty has been chosen in recognition of her contribution to building an inclusive world in which all people with disabilities enjoy their human rights and achieve their full potential. Kirsty was nominated for the award by Professor Robert McCorquodale, Chair of CBM UK’s board. Coinciding with Kirsty’s tenth anniversary as Chief Executive, Robert commended the “extraordinary and profound changes” Kirsty has made within CBM UK in transforming the lives of people with disability, their families and communities in the poorest places of the world.
Robert says: “I consider that Kirsty Smith is fully deserving of the Etheldreda Medal as her service to community at an international level, with a national base, is deeply impressive. Her service is both outstanding and generous, with her focus always on helping those who are too often overlooked.”
Kirsty joined CBM UK as Chief Executive in 2012 and has led the organisation to practical success, whilst keeping our ethos at the heart of our work. Colleagues and partners regularly comment on Kirsty’s commitment, vision and values. She leads by example, making brave decisions to ensure the maximum possible benefit for marginalised people in the world’s poorest places, notably expanding vital work helping people with mental health conditions and leading CBM’s advisory work to help other organisations put inclusion in practice. We are delighted to see her contribution recognised and honoured by the Bishop of Ely this autumn.
The Award ceremony took place at Ely Cathedral at 5:30pm on Saturday 15 October 2022.
Main image: Kirsty receiving the Etheldreda Medal from the Bishop of Ely on 15 October 2022. Credit: Keith Heppell/Diocese of Ely