Building a safer world for all

Manith, 21 years old is the daughter of Manuelito. She has cerebral palsy. Typhoon Haiyan hit their village: Barotek Viejo is a small town on the coast of Iloilo province in the Philippines. His house was wiped out and he had to carry Manith on his shoulder in the typhoon to find a shelter. They are now safe, but they lost everything.

CBM welcomes inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction framework

CBM welcomes the Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR),which was officially adopted on Wednesday 18th March 2015 at the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan.

People with disabilities are disproportionately impacted when disaster strikes. CBM supports the recognition in the new Framework that their active participation is essential in the implementation of disaster risk reduction (DRR) activities. The new framework includes many references to disability inclusion, which marks a substantial improvement on the preceding framework.

“The adoption of this framework, and the level of understanding of disability inclusion that has been created in the process, are going to help build a safer world for us all”, says Valerie Scherrer, Director of CBM Emergency Response Unit.

The Sendai conference itself was the first international meeting of its kind to provide such a wide range of accessibility features. As a result, more than 200 persons with disabilities (including CBM staff) actively participated as delegates, speakers, panellists, and contributors. DRR implementation – and all post-2015 frameworks – must retain momentum of inclusion.

CBM urges states to carry this momentum forward, and ensure that implementation of the framework reflects this inclusion. Delivering on these commitments will mean true alignment with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Furthermore, the new DRR framework sets a precedent: CBM urges states to build and adopt similar post-2015 frameworks with the same focus on inclusion, ensuring consistency and a safer, more sustainable future for all.

The work that has been done on advocacy around disability inclusion is fantastic and I feel very privileged to be here with CBM and see the significant steps are currently being taken by governments towards greater inclusion of persons with disabilities into disaster risk management.” – Benjamin Dard, CBM Technical Advisor for Accessibility.

Photo (CBM): Philippines after typhoon Haiyan, November 2013, Manuelito and his daughter Manith, 21, who has cerebral palsy, look at the remains of their house after Typhoon Haiyan hit their village in the Philippines. Manuelito had to carry Manith on his shoulder in the typhoon to find a shelter.

Read more CBM’s Inclusive Emergency Response unit (open link in new tab)


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