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Administering a gift from an estate

If you are administering an estate that includes a gift to CBM, thank you.

Mary, wearing black and using a blue wheelchair, smiles at the camera. Her daughter Jackline is sitting next to her and also smiling.

How can we help you?

Thank you for the work you are carrying out as an executor. We understand that this can be a challenging task. If you need any help, please contact our legacies team at email or call 01223 484700

We cannot provide legal advice, but we are happy to offer guidance where we can, and our team has experience in dealing with such matters. The Institute of Legacy Management has some guides which you may find helpful.

What information does CBM UK need from you?

At CBM UK, we administer all legacy gifts per according to the guidelines set by the Charity Commission.

Please let us know of the death and the legacy due ahead of the bequest being made. This helps us ensure our records are up to date and that no mailings are sent to the deceased.

Dorothy's daughter Evelyn rests on her shoulder. They both smile at the camera.

If CBM UK has been left a share of an estate

We would be very grateful to receive the following:

  • A copy of the will
  • A list of the assets and liabilities of the estate
  • A copy of the estate accounts (when you are ready to make the final payments from the estate)
  • A tax deduction certificate

If CBM UK has been left a pecuniary

We would typically request a copy of the relevant section of the will of the deceased. Otherwise, none of the above information is required.

How can I pay a legacy gift to CBM UK?

Legacies can be paid by cheque or bank transfer. Please do not pay legacies via the donate button on our website.

Cheques should be payable to ‘CBM UK’ and sent to CBM, Munro House, 20 Mercers Row, Cambridge, CB5 8HY, UK.

If you would prefer to make a bank transfer, please get in touch with our Legacy Team beforehand either by email at or by phone: 01223 484700, who will provide and verify the correct bank details for which to make payment.