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Nakisinde is smiling before caratact surgery. She is sitting with her mum.

Saving Sight

Worldwide, three out of four people who are blind don’t need to be, and at least one billion people are living with a visual impairment that could have been treated or prevented.

In the world’s poorest communities, millions of people are blind simply because they can’t access or afford sight-saving treatment. Blindness robs people of opportunities like education, earning a living, and living independently.

Blindness and visual impairment around the world

43 million people around the world are blind. 90% of people living with sight loss or visual impairment are in low- and middle-income countries where they face huge challenges accessing treatment.  

  • Around half of all blindness is caused by cataracts, where the lens of the eye becomes cloudy. Simple surgery can treat cataracts for as little as £24 for an adult or £95 for a child. Many people can’t afford this surgery and face a lifetime of avoidable blindness.
  • Neglected Tropical Diseases like river blindness and trachoma can cause irreversible blindness, and occur often in the world’s poorest places due to unclean water supplies and a lack of proper sanitation.
Ildephonse sitting with his daughter, smiling.

“I am happy to see my son, who has grown so much. I am so happy, because I would not be able to get the money even to travel to the hospital. I am happy that this project has changed my life.”

Ildephonse with his daughter after his sight-saving cataract surgery in Rwanda.

Our Work

We believe everyone deserves the chance to see the world clearly.  Together with our local partners, we are providing sight-saving surgeries, treatments and glasses to improve sight across some of the world’s poorest places.

  • We help adults and children get the sight-restoring cataract surgery they need no matter where they live, often by running outreach camps in remote places where people might not have access to eye hospitals.
  • We treat blinding diseases like river blindness and trachoma. Medicines to treat these diseases cost as little as 16p and can help reduce the suffering of those who have contracted these conditions.
  • As a cataract charity we support screening programmes that find people in need of eye care and enable them access to treatment. This helps to detect vision problems early and provide access to life-changing treatments.
  • We train specialist doctors, nurses, and other health workers to identify and treat eye conditions. By equipping hospital eye departments with resources and expertise, we help communities gain access to quality eye care services.
  • We support governments in countries where we work to improve eye health services long-term. We’re laying the groundwork for lasting change.
  • We provide glasses and low vision devices to those who need them. These simple tools enhance vision and empower people to lead more independent lives.

Our impact

Last year, we helped over a million people gain access to eye-related medical services and helped thousands of people to see again.

Intesham is holding a red balloon with a CBM logo on it. He has a patch on his right eye following cataract surgery.
1.9 million
people accessed eye-related medical services
Dani with a patch over his right eye following cataract surgery.

Save sight today

Cataract surgery donation

Together, we can make a difference to those living needlessly blind in the world’s poorest communities.