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Register your church to celebrate Christian Blind Mission Sunday

Posted on: Friday, August 13th, 2021

Christian Blind Mission Sunday is taking place on 17th October this year, in the week of World Sight Day (Thursday 14th October). Together with your church, you can learn, pray and give to help restore sight to children living with preventable blindness in some of the world’s poorest places.

Register to take part in Christian Blind Mission Sunday

Just as Jesus saw and helped a blind man who so many had overlooked, together, we can put God’s love into action to reach out to people whom others leave behind.

Like Jesus, we recognise the potential and value in people, regardless of circumstance and economic status. Those that are caught in the cycle of poverty and disability were often the focus of Jesus’ attention, and like Jesus, we seek to enable them to realise their own potential. Together, we can build a world where everyone is loved, valued and accepted – as God intended.

By learning, praying and giving together on Christian Blind Mission Sunday, your church could help restore sight for people living in the world’s poorest places. Please help us to build a world where no one is needlessly blind because they are out of sight, out of mind.

Get your church involved today! Download the easy-to-use worship and awareness-raising resources here (open link in new tab).

Our free Christian Blind Mission Sunday resources include inspiring films, presentations, posters, prayer bookmarks, and worship ideas. We’ll provide everything you need to help everyone in your church find creative ways to celebrate light and sight – whatever their age.

People living in poverty with blindness and other disabilities are the world’s forgotten people. Without help, many remain trapped in a cycle of poverty and disability.

  • 253 million people worldwide are visually impaired.
  • 89% of visually impaired people live in low- and middle-income countries.
  • Over 75% of visual impairment is avoidable.

“In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. Then God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.” Genesis 1:1-4

Image: 10-year-old Mathias from Uganda has cataracts in both eyes.